S. K. Gupta Anubhuti Gangal Class 5 Math Twelfth Chapter Time And Temperature Exercise 43

S. K. Gupta Anubhuti Gangal Class 5 Math Twelfth Chapter Time And Temperature Exercise 43


(1) Find the elapsed time in hours and minutes between:

(a) 0815 hours to 1945 hours

Solution: The elapsed time is 1945 hours – 0815 hours.

The elapsed time is 11 hours 30 minutes.

(b) 10:00 a.m to 4:40 p.m.

Solution: The elapsed time between 10:00 a.m and 4:40 p.m., first convert the time to 24-hour time.

(c) 1205 hours to 2302 hours

Solution: The elapsed time is 2302 hours – 1205 hours.

The elapsed time is 10 hours 57 minutes.

(d) 2:00 p.m to 1:15 a.m.

Solution: To find the elapsed time between 2:00 p.m. and 1:15 a.m., first convert the time to 24-hour time.

The elapsed time is 12 hours 45 minutes.

(2) What time would it be

(a) 3 hours 42 minutes after 8:25 a.m?

Solution: 8:25 a.m. = 08 25 hours = 08 h 25 minutes

∴ Required time = 8 h 25 min + 3 h 42 min = 11 h 67 min

∴ Required time = = 12 h 7 min = 1207 hours (12:07 p.m.)

(b) 6 hours 25 minutes after 4:12 p.m?

Solution: 4:12 p.m. = 16 12 hours = 16 h 12 min

∴ Required time = 16 h 12 min + 6 h 25 min = 22 h 37 min

∴ Required time = 22 hours 37 minutes = 2237 hours (10:37 p.m.)

(c) 2 hours 35 minutes before 1:15 p.m?

Solution: 1:15 p.m. = 13 15 hours = 13 h 15 min

∴ Required time = 12 h 75 min – 2 h 35 min = 10 h 40 min

∴ Required time = 10 hours 40 minutes = 1040 hours (10:40 a.m.)

(d) 3 hours 40 min after 1825 hours?

Solution: Add 3 hours 40 minutes to 18 25 hours to find the required time.

18 h 25 min + 3 h 40 min = 21 h 65 min = 21h + 1 h 5 min = 22 h 5 min

∴ The required time = 2205 hours.

(e) 7 hours 50 minutes before 0810 hours?

Solution: Subtract 7 hours 50minutes from 08 10 hours to find the required time.

∴ Required time = 07 h 70 min – 7 h 50 min = 00h 20 min

∴ The required time = 0020 hours.

(f) 12 hours before 1500 hours?

Solution: Subtract 12 hours from 1500 hours to find the required time.

∴ 15 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min = 03 h 00 min

∴ The required time = 0300 hours.

(3) Manasi completed a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle in 3 hours 40 minutes. Meghana took 55 minutes less than Manasi to complete the same puzzle. Amrita took 1 hour 35 minutes more than Meghana. Find the time taken by Amrita to complete the puzzle.

Solution: Meghana took the time for completed

= 2 h 100 min – 0 h 55 min = 2 h 45 min

Amrita took the time for completed

= 2 h 45 min + 1 h 35 min = 3 h 80 min = 4 h 20 min

(4) A cyclist started her journey at 0715 hours. She reached her destination at 1145 hours. She rested for 35 minutes and took the same journey back, but the journey back took her 25 minutes longer than the original journey. What time did she reach home?

Solution: The cyclist took time to reached destination = 1145 h – 0715 h = 0430 h

She rested, at first journey = 0465 h + 0035 h = 04 h 65 min

She rested, at back journey = 04 h 65 min + 35 min = 0500 hour

She reached home = 04 h 100 min – 00 h 25 min = 04 h 75 min = 5 h 15 min

Therefore, she reached home at 05:15 p.m.

(5) A flight is supposed to start at 1025 hours and reach its destination at 1320 hours. If it starts 15 minutes late and arrives 19 minutes late, how long does it take reach destination?

Solution: If the flight started 15 minutes late = 10 h 25 min + 00 h 15 min = 10 h 40 min

And the flight arrived 19 minutes late = 13 h 20 min + 00 h 19 min = 13 h 39 min

Then, the flight took reach destination,

= 13 h 39 min – 10 h 40 min

= 12 h 99 min – 10 h 40 min

= 2 h 59 min.

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