S. K. Gupta Anubhuti Gangal Class 2 Math Second Chapter The Numbers 100 – 1000 Practice Page 53 Solutions
Practice Page 53
Write > or < correctly6 in the boxes.
(1)(a) 119 < 129
(b) 143 > 132
(c) 234 > 219
(2)(a) 764 > 521
(b) 632 < 723
(c) 357 > 324
(3)(a) 438 > 420
(b) 973 < 986
(c) 901 > 899
(4)(a) 555 > 333
(b) 802 < 920
(c) 654 > 564

(11) Arrange the following numbers in ascending order (smallest to greatest)
- 236, 615, 143, 789
= 143, 236, 615, 789
(12) Arrange the following numbers in descending order (greatest to smallest)
- 154, 612, 345, 890
= 890, 612, 345, 154
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