RS Aggarwal Vikash Aggarwal Class 3 Activity Book Composite Mathematics Activity Sheet 8 Solution
Activity Sheet – 8
Look at the number patterns. Write the missing numbers.
(1) 1362, 1365, 1368, 1371, 1374, 1377, 1380.
(2) 2875, 2879, 2883, 2887, 2291, 2895, 2899.
(3) 3950, 4000, 4050, 4100, 4150, 4200, 4250.
(4) 6565, 6640, 6715, 6790, 6865, 6940, 7015.
(5) 4245, 4345, 4445, 4545, 4645, 4745, 4845.
(6) 7150, 7050, 6950, 6850, 6750, 6650, 6550.
(7) 1450, 1600, 1750, 1900, 2050, 2200, 2350.
(8) 2275, 3275, 4275, 5275, 6275, 7275, 8275.
(9) 8220, 8420, 8620, 8820, 9020, 9220, 9420.
(10) 6336, 6136, 5936, 5736, 5536, 5336, 5136.
(11) 5205, 5705, 6205, 6705, 7205, 7705, 8205.
(12) 3741, 4741, 5741, 6741, 7741, 8741, 9741.
(13) 6860, 6875, 6890, 6905, 6920, 6935, 6950.
(14) 4960, 4910, 4860, 4810, 4760, 4710, 4660.
(15) 8075, 8050, 8025, 8000, 7975, 7950, 7925..
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