RS Aggarwal Vikash Aggarwal Class 3 Activity Book Composite Mathematics Activity Sheet 12 Solution
Activity Sheet – 12
(A) Put the correct symbol >, < or = in the place holder:
(1) 5978 < 5987
(2) 6362 > 6326
(3) 3649 > 3469
(4) 9087 < 9807
(5) 9990 > 9909
(6) 5732 > 5723
(7) 7596 > 7569
(8) 8123 < 8312
(9) 6124 < 6214
(10) 2756 < 2765
(11) 4853 > 4835
(12) 9107 < 9170
(13) 7008 < 8007
(14) 6762 < 7672
(15) 8543 > 8453
(16) 9870 < 9877
(B) Circle the greatest number:

(C) Circle the smallest number:

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