RS Aggarwal Class 7 Mathematics Third Chapter Decimals Exercise 3A Solution
(1) Convert each of the following into a fraction in its simplest form:

(2) Convert each of the following as a mixed fraction:

(3) Convert each of the following into a decimal:

(4) Convert each of the following into like decimals:
(i) 6.5 = 6.500
(ii) 16.03 = 16.030
(iii) 0.274
(iv) 119.4 = 119.400
(5) Fill in each of the place holders with the correct symbol > or <.
(i) 78.23 > 69.85
(ii) 3.406 < 3.46
(iii) 5.68 < 5.86
(iv) 14.05 > 14.005
(v) 1.85 > 1.805
(vi) 0.98 < 1.07
(6) Arrange the following decimals in ascending order:
(i) 4.6, 7.4, 4.58, 7.32, 4.06
= 4.06, 4.58, 4.6, 7.32, 7.4
(ii) 0.5, 5.5, 5.05, 0.05, 5.55
= 0.05, 0.5, 5.05, 5.5, 5.55
(iii) 6.84, 6.48, 6.8, 6.4, 6.08
= 6.08, 6.4, 6.48, 6.8, 6.84
(iv) 2.2, 2.202, 2.02, 22.2, 2.002
= 2.002, 2.02, 2.2, 2.202, 22.2
(7) Arrange the following decimals in descending order:
(i) 7.4, 8.34, 74.4, 7.44, 0.74
= 74.4, 8.34, 7.44, 7.4, 0.74
(ii) 2.6, 2.26, 2.06, 2.007, 2.3
= 2.6, 2.3, 2.26, 2.06, 2.007
(8) Express 45 mm in cm, m and km.
(9) Express as rupees using decimals:

(ii) 9 rupees 75 paise = 9.75 rupees
(iii) 8 rupees 5 paise = 8.05 paise
(10) Express in km using decimals:

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