RS Aggarwal Class 7 Math Ninth Chapter Unitary Method Exercise 9A Solution
(1) If 15 oranges cost Rs 110, what do 39 oranges cost?

(2) If 8 kg sugar costs Rs 260, how much sugar can be bought for Rs 877.50?

(3) The cost of 37 m of silk is Rs 6290. What length of this silk can be purchased for Rs 4420?

(4) A worker is paid Rs 1110 for 6 days. If his total wages during a month are Rs 4625, for how many days did he work?

(5) A car can cover a distance of 357 km on 42 litres of petrol. How far can it travel on 12 litres of petrol?

(6) Travelling 900 km by rail costs Rs 2520. What would be the fare for a journey of 360 km when a person travels by the same class?

(7) A train covers a distance of 51 km in 45 minutes. How long will it take to cover 221 km?

(8) If 22.5 metres of a uniform iron rod weighs 85.5 kg, what will be the length of 22.8 kg of the same rod?

(9) If the weight of 6 sheets of a paper is 162 grams, how many sheets of the same quality of paper would weigh 13.5 kg?

(10) 1152 bars of soap can be packed in 8 cartoons of the same size. How many such cartoons will be required to pack 3888 bars?

(11) If the thickness of a pile which is 71.5 cm thick?

(12) At a particular time of a day, a 7-m-hight flagstaff casts a shadow which is 8.2 m long. What is the height of the building which casts a shadow 20.5 metres in length but at the same moment?

(13) 15 men can build a 16.25-m-long wall up to certain height in one day. How many men should be employed to build a wall of the same height but of length 26 metres in one day?

(14) In a hospital, the monthly consumption of milk of 60 patients is 1350 litres. How many patients can be accommodated in the hospital if the monthly ration of milk is raised to 1710 litres, assuming that the quota per head remains the same?

(15) The extension in an elastic string varies directly as the weight hung on it. If a weight of 150 g produces an extension of 2.8 cm, what weight would produce an extension of 2.8 cm, what weight would produce an extension of 19.6 cm?

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