RS Aggarwal Class 7 Math Nineteenth Chapter Three-Dimensional Shapes Exercise 19 Solution
(1) Fill in the blanks:
(i) A cuboid has six rectangular faces 12 edges and 8 vertices.
(ii) A cylinder has 1 curved face and 2 flat faces.
(iii) A cone has one curved face and one flat face.
(iv) A sphere has a curved surface.
(2) Write (T) for true and (F) for false.
(i) A cylinder has no vertex. = True
(ii) A cube has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices. = True
(iii) A cone has no vertex. = True
(iv) A sphere has one edge. = False
(v) A sphere has a curved surface. = True
(3) Write five examples of each one of
(i) A cone

(ii) A sphere

(iii) A cuboid

(iv) A cylinder

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