RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math Seventeenth Chapter Quadrilaterals Exercise 17A Solution

RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math Seventeenth Chapter Quadrilaterals Exercise 17A Solution


QUADRILATERALSA simple closed figure bounded by four line segments is called a quadrilateral.

ADJACENT SIDESTwo sides of a quadrilateral which have a common end point are called its adjacent sides.

OPPOSITE SIDESTwo sides of a quadrilateral are called its opposite sides if they do not have a common end point.

ADJACENT ANGLESTwo angles of a quadrilateral having a common side are called its adjacent angles.

OPPOSITE ANGLESTwo angles of a quadrilateral which are not adjacent angles are known as the opposite angles of the quadrilateral.

CONVEX QUADRILATERALA quadrilateral in which the measure of each angle is less than 180o is called a convex quadrilateral.

CONCAVE QUADRILATERALA quadrilateral in which the measure of one of the angles is more than 180o is called a concave quadrilateral.

INTERIOR QUADRILATERALThe part of the plane lying inside the boundary is called the interior of the quadrilateral.

EXTERIOR QUADRILATERALThe part of the plane lying outside the boundary is called the exterior of the quadrilateral.

QUADRILATERAL REGIONThe interior of the quadrilateral ABCD together with its boundary is called the quadrilateral region ABCD.

TRAPEZIUMA quadrilateral having one and only one pair of parallel sides is called a trapezium.

PARALLELOGRAM A quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel is called a parallelogram.

RHOMBUSA parallelogram in which all the sides are equal is called a rhombus.

RECTANGLEA parallelogram in which each angle is a right angle is called a rectangle.

SQUAREA parallelogram in which all the sides are equal and each angle is a right angle is called square.

KITEA quadrilateral which has two pairs of equal adjacent sides but unequal opposite sides, is called a kite.

(1) In the adjacent figure, a quadrilateral has been shown.

Name: (i) Its diagonals,

Ans: AC, BD

(ii) Two pairs of opposite angles,

Ans: (AB, DC) and (AD, BC)

(iii) Two pairs of opposite angles,

Ans: (∠A,∠C),(∠B,∠D)

(iv) Two pairs of adjacent sides,

Ans: (AB, BC), (AD, DC)

(v) Two pairs of adjacent angles,

Ans: (∠A,∠B),(∠B,∠C)

(3) Two sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio 4 : 3. If its perimeter is 56 cm, find the lengths of its sides.

Solution: Let the two sides be 4x and 3x.

In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal and parallel.

Ans: The length is (4×4) = 16 cm and side is (3×4) = 12 cm.

4) Name each of the following parallelograms:

(i) The diagonals are equal and the adjacent sides are unequal.

Ans: Rectangle

(ii) The diagonals are equal and the adjacent sides are equal.

Ans: Square

(iii) The diagonals are unequal and the adjacent sides are equal.

Ans: Rhombus

(5) What is a trapezium? When do you call a trapezium an isosceles trapezium?

Draw an isosceles trapezium. Measure its sides and angles.

Ans: TRAPEZIUM – A quadrilateral having one and only one pair of parallel sides is called a trapezium.

A trapezium is said to be an isosceles trapezium if its nonparallel sides are equal.

(6) Which of the following statements are true and which are false?

(a) The diagonals of a parallelogram are equal. = False

(b) The diagonals of a rectangle are perpendicular to each other. = False

(c) The diagonals of a rhombus are equal. = False

(7) Give reasons for the following:

(a) A square can be thought of as a special rectangle.

Reason: A rectangle with sides equal becomes a square.

(b) A square can be thought of as a special rhombus.

Reason: A rhombus with each angle a right angle becomes a square.

(c) A rectangle can be thought of as a special parallelogram.

Reason: A parallelogram with each angle a right angle becomes a rectangle.

(d) A square is also a parallelogram.

Reason: The opposite sides of a square are parallel, so it is a parallelogram.

(8) A figure is said to be regular if its sides are equal in length and angles are equal are equal in measure. What do you mean by a regular quadrilateral?

Ans: A regular quadrilateral is a square.

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