RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math First Chapter Number System Exercise 1C Solution

RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math First Chapter Number System Exercise 1C Solution


1. The number of persons who visited the holy shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi during last two consecutive years was 13789509 and 12976498 respectively. How many persons visited the shrine during these two years?

Solution:  First year, the number of person visited- 1378950

In second year, the number of person visited- 12976498

13789509 + 12976498 = 26766007

Ans: 26766007 persons were visited the shrine during these two years.

2. Last year, three sugar factors in a town produced 24809565 bags, 18738576 bags and 9564568 bags of sugar respectively. How many bags were produced by all the three factories during last year?

Solution: Last year, First sugar factory produced-24809565 Bags

Second sugar factory produced-18738576 Bags

Third sugar factory produced-9564568 Bags

In total= 24809565+18738576+9564568=53112709

Ans. 53112709 bags were produced by all the three factories during last year.

3. A number exceeds 37684955 by 3615045. What is that number?

Solution: 37684955+3615045= 41300000

Ans. The number is 41300000.

4. There were three candidates in an election. They received 687905 votes, 495086 votes and 93756 votes respectively. The number of invalid votes was 13849. If 25467 persons did not vote, find how many votes were registered.

Solution: The 1st candidate received 687905 votes

The 2nd candidate received 495086 votes

The 3rd candidate received 93756 votes

The invalid votes are 13849 votes

The person did not vote 25467 votes

In total= 687905+495086+93756+13849+25467=1316063 votes

Ans: 1316063 votes were registered.

5. A survey conducted on an Indian state shows that 1623546 people have only primary education; 9768678 people have secondary education; 6837954 people have higher education and 2684536 people are illiterate. If the number of children below the age of the school admission is 698781, find the total population of the state.

Solution: Primary education people are 1623546

Secondary education people are 9768678

Higher education people are 6837954

Illiterate people are 2684536

Number of children are 698781

In total = 1623546+9768678+6837954+2684536+698781= 21613495

Ans. The total Population of the state is 21613495.

6. In a particular year a company produced 8765435 bicycles. Next year, the number of bicycles produced was 1378689 more than those produced in the preceding year.
How many bicycles were produced during the second year?
How many bicycles were produced during these two years?

Solution: In second year, the bicycles produced 8765435+1378689= 10144124

In 1st year bicycle produced 8765435

In 2nd year bicycle produced 10144124

In total = 8765435+10144124= 18909559

Ans. 18909559 bicycles were produced during these years.

7. The sale receipt of a company during a year was rs. 20956480. Next year, it increased by rs. 6709570. What were the total sale receipts of the company during these two years?

Solution: In second year, the total sale receipt of the company

20956480+6709570= 27666050

In 1st year the total sale receipt 20956480

In 2nd year the total sale receipt 27666050

In total = 20956480+27666050= 48622530

Ans. 48622530 was the total sale receipt of the company during these two years.

8. The total population of a city is 28756304. If the number of males is 16987059, find the number of females in the city.

Solution: Total population-28756304

The number of males are-6709570

Number of females=28756304-6709570=11769245

Ans. The total number of females 11769245.

9. By how much is 13246510 larger than 4658642?

Solution: 13246510+4658642= 8587868

Ans. 8587868.

10. By how much is 5643879 smaller than one crore?

Solution: 10000000-5643879= 4356121

Ans. 4356121

11. What number must be subtracted from 11010101 to get 2635967?

Solution: The number is 11010101-2635967= 8374134

Ans. 8374134

12. The sum of two numbers is 10750308. If one of them is 8967519, what is the other number?

Solution: The other number is 10750908-8967519= 1782789

Ans. 1782789

13. A man had rs. 20000000 with him. He spent rs. 13607085 on buying a school building. How much money is left with him?

Solution: Total money 20000000

Spent money 136087085

20000000-13607085= 6392915

Ans. 6392915 money is left with him.

14. A society needed rs 18536000 to buy a property. It collected rs 7253840 as membership fee. Took a loan of rs 5675450 from a bank and collected rs 2937680 as donation. How much is the society still short of?

Solution: Membership fee 7253840

Loan from bank 5675450

Donation 2937680


The society still short of 18536000-15866970= 2669030

Ans. 2669030 is the society still short of.

15. A man had rs 10672540 with him. He gave rs 4836980 to his wife, rs 3964790 to his son and the rest to his daughter. How much money was received by the daughter?

Solution: He gave to his wife 4836980

He gave to his son 3964790

4836980+3964790= 8801770

The money was received by the daughter 10672540-8801770= 1870770.

Ans. His daughter received 1870770 rupees .

16. The cost of a chair is rs 1485. How much will 469 such chairs cost?

Solution: The cost of a chair 1485

Then, the cost of 469 such chairs 1485 x 469= 696465

Ans. 696465 will 469 such chairs cost.

17. How much money was collected from 1786 students of a school for a charity show if each student contributed rs 625?

Solution: Total student 1786

Each student contributed 625 rupees

Then, the total collected money 1786 x 625 = 1116250

Ans. 1116250 money was collected.

18. A factory produces 6985 screws per day. How many screws will it produce in 358 days?

Solution: The screw mill produced 6985 x 358= 2500630

Ans. 2500630 screws were produced in 358 days.

19. Mr Bhasker saves rs 8756 every month. How much money will he save in 13 years?

Solution: In one year Mr. Bhaskar saves 8756 x 12= 105072.

Then, in 13 years he saves 105072  x 13= 1965936

Ans. He will save in 13 years 1965936 rupees.

20. A scooter costs rs 36725. How much will 487 such scooters cost?

Solution: Such scooters cost 367725 x 487= 17885075

Ans. 17885075 will 487 such scooters cost.

21. An aeroplane covers 1485 km in 1 hour. How much distance will it cover in 72 hours?

Solution: In 1 hour the Aeroplane covers 1485 km.

Then, the distance will it cover inb 72 hours 1485 x 72= 106920 km.

Ans. The aeroplane will 106920 km cover in 72 hours.

22. The product of two numbers is 13421408. If one of the numbers is 364, find the other.

Solution: The product of two numbers 13421408

One number is 364.

Then, the other number is 13421408÷364= 36872

Ans. The other number is 36872.

23. If 36 flats cost rs 68251500, what is the cost of each such flat?

Solution: the cost of each such flat 68251500÷36=1895875.

Ans. The cost of each such flat 1895875.

24. The mass of cylinder filled with gas is 30 kg 250 g and the mass of the empty cylinder is 14 kg 480 g. How much is the mass of the gas contained in it?

Solution: The mass of cylinder filled with gas 30kg 250g

The mass of empty cylinder is 14kg 480g.

30kg 250g- 14kg 480g= 15kg 770g

Ans. 15kg 770g is the mass of gas contained in it.

25. From a cloth 5 m long, a piece of length 2 m 85 cm is cut off. What is the length of the remaining piece?

Solution: The length of the remaining piece 5m 00 cm- 2m 85cm= 2m 15cm.

Ans. The length of the remaining piece is 2m 15cm.

26. In order to make a shirt, a length of 2 m 75 cm of cloth is needed. How much length of the cloth will be required for 16 such shirts?

Solution: 2m 75cm= 2 x 100+75=200+75=275cm.

The cloth will be remained for 16 such shirt 275 x 16= 4400cm= 44m.

Ans. 44m length of the cloth will be required for 16 such shirts.

27. For making 8 trousers of the same size, 14 m 80 cm of cloth is needed. How much length of the remaining piece?

Solution: For making 8 trousers cloth needed

14m 80cm= 14 x 100+80= 1400+80=1480 cm

The cloth will be required for each trouser 1480÷8= 185 cm= 1m 85 cm.

Ans. 1m 85cm length of the remaining piece.

28. The mass of brick is 2 kg 750 g. What is the total mass of 14 such bricks?

Solution: The mass of brick 2kg 750g= 2750g

The total mass of 14 such bricks 2750 x 14= 38500g=38kg 500g.

Ans. The total mass of 14 such bricks is 38kg 500g.

29. The total mass of 8 packets, each of the same size, is 10 kg 600 g. What is the mass of each such packet?

Solution: The total mass of 8 packets

10kg 600g= 10 x 1000+600= 10000+600= 10600g.Then, the mass of each such packet 10600÷8= 1325= 1kg 325g.

Ans. The mass of each such packet is 1kg 325g.

30. A rope of length 10 m has been divided into 8 pieces of the same length. What is the length of each piece?

Solution: The length of each piece 10m÷8= 1m 25cm.

Ans. The length of the piece is 1m 25cm.

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