NCERT Class 6 Mathematics Fourth Chapter Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.4 Solutions
(1) Draw a rough sketch of a triangle ABC. Mark a point P in its interior and a point Q in its exterior. Is the point A in its exterior or in its interior?
Ans: Neither in exterior nor in interior.
(a) Identify three triangles in the figure.
Ans: ∆ABC, ∆ABD, ∆ADC
(b) Write the names of seven angles.
Ans: Angles; ∠B, ∠C, ∠BAC, ∠BAD, ∠CAD, ∠ADB, ∠ADC
(c) Write the names of six line segments.

(d) Which two triangles have ∠B as common?
Ans: ∆ABC, ∆ABD
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