NCERT Class 6 Mathematics Fourth Chapter Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.2 Solutions

NCERT Class 6 Mathematics Fourth Chapter Basic Geometrical Ideas Exercise 4.2 Solutions


(1) Classify the following curves as (i) Open or (ii) Closed

Ans: Open = (a); (c) and Closed = (b); (d); (e)

(2) Draw rough diagrams to illustrate the following:

(3) Draw any polygon and shade its interior.

(4) Consider the given figure and answer the questions:

(a) Is it a curve? = Yes

(b) Is it closed? = Yes

(5) Illustrate, if possible, each one of the following with a rough diagram:

(a) A closed curve that is not a polygon.

(b) An open curve made up entirely of line segments.

(c) A polygon with two sides.

Ans: Not possible

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