A Different Kind of School Class 6 Word Meaning Difficult Words and their Meaning from Class 6 English 5th Chapter A Different Kind of School.
- A great deal (adj ) a lot बहुत कुछ Ex. He had heard a great deal about Miss . Bean’s school .
- Arrive (v) reach पहुँचना.
- In sight (N) visible Ex. When he arrived there was no one in sight but a girl of about twelve.
- Bandage (N) पट्टी
- Lead (v) guide
- Flower – beds.
- Middle-aged (N) between 30 – 40 वयस्क.
- Authority (N) Ex. Miss. Bean was all that I had expected middle -aged full of authority .
- Practically (adv) वास्तव में ex. There are practically no other lessons .
- Thoughtfulness (N) consideration.
- Kindness (N) humanity Ex. The real aim of the school is not so much to teach thought as to teach thoughtfulness , kindness to others.
- Overlook (v) look out on Ex. I went to the window which overlooked a large garden and playground at the back .
- Jolly (adj ) happy.
- Difficulty (N) trouble समस्या.
- Crutch (N) बैसाखी
- Hopeless (adj) disappointing.
- Cripple (N). Disabled अपंग ex. There’s a girl with a crutch watching the others at play . She seems to be a hopeless cripple.
- Term (N) semester सत्र , भाग.
- Deaf (adj ) unable to hear बहरा.
- Injured (adj ) Wounded.
- Dumb (adj ) unable to speak Ex. Each term every child has one blind day . One lame day , one deaf day , one injured day and one dumb day .
- Misery (N) sorrow.
- Continue(v) go on. Ex. There is no misery about it , Miss Beam continued , “ everyone is very kind.
- Thoughtless (adj) inconsiderate.
- Misfortune (adj) sorrow , sad though even the most thoughtless child realises what misfortune is .
- Up and down (adv ) Ex. Miss. Beam is walking up and down the garden with tall girl.
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