S. K. Gupta Anubhuti Gangal Class 2 Math Third Chapter Addition Practice Page 58 Solutions
Practice Page 58
(1) There are 48 chocolates in one box and 34 chocolates in the other box. How many chocolates are there in both the boxes?
Solution: 48 + 34 = 82
(2) There are 44 passengers in one train carriage and 49 in another carriage. How many passengers are there in the two carriage?
Solution: 44 + 49 = 93
(3) Ayushree read 27 pages of a book on Saturday and 26 on Sunday. How many pages in all did she read on the two days?
Solution: 27 + 26 = 53
(4) A hawker sold 45 eggs to one customer and 49 eggs to another customer. How many eggs did he sell to the two customers?
Solution: 45 + 49 = 94
(5) Rachna’s mother bought 17 oranges, 16 bananas and 24 apples. How many fruits did she buy altogether?
Solution: 17 + 16 + 24 = 57
(6) Ankit had 48 marbles. His friends Sanjay gave him 16 marbles. He won 15 marbles in a game. How many marbles does he have now?
Solution: 48 + 16 + 15 = 79
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