RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math Eleventh Chapter Line Segment Ray And Line Exercise 11A Solution

RS Aggarwal Class 6 Math Eleventh Chapter Line Segment Ray And Line Exercise 11A Solution


Some important concepts

PLANE:- A smooth flat surface which extends endlessly in all the directions is called plane.

POINT:- A small dot made by a sharp pencil on a paper represents a point.

LINE SEGMENT:- Let A and B be two points on a plane. Then, the straight path from A to B is called the line segment AB. This is denoted by 



RAY:- A line segment extended endlessly in one direction is called a ray.

LINE:- A line segment extended endlessly on both sides is called a line.

PARALLEL LINES:- If no point is common to two given lines, it would mean that the lines do not intersect. Such lines are known as parallel lines.

CONCURRENT LINES:- Three or more lines in a plane are said to be concurrent if all of them pass through the same point and this point is called the point of concurrence of the given lines.

COLLINEAR POINTS:- Three or more points in a plane are said to be collinear if they all lie on the same line and this line and this line is called the line of collinear for the given points.

(1) Name all the line segments in each of the following figures:

(2) Identify and name the line segments and rays in each of the following figures:

(3) In the adjoining figure, name

(i) four line segments;

(4) What do you mean by col linear points?

(i) How many lines can you draw passing through three collinear points?

Ans: One only

(ii) Given three col linear points A, B, C. How many line segments do they determine? Name them.

Ans: Three

AB¯, BC¯, AC¯

(5) In the adjoining figure, name:

(ii) four collinear points

Ans: A, Q, S, B

(iii) three noncollinear points

Ans: A, C, B

(iv) three concurrent lines

(6) Mark three noncollinear points A, B, C as shown. Draw lines through these points takingtwo at a time. Name the lines. How many such different lines can be drawn?

(7) Count the number of line segments drawn in each of the following figures and name them.

(9) Write ‘T’ for true anf ‘F’ for false in case of each of the following statements:

(i) Every point has a size. = F

(ii) A line segment has no length. = F

(iii) Every ray has a finite length. = F

(vii) Two points A and B in a plane determine a unique line segment. = T

(viii) Two intersectiong lines intersect at a point. = T

(ix) Two intersecting planes intersect at a point. = F

(x) If points A, B, C are col linear and points C, D, E are col linear then the points A, B, C, D, E are col linear. = F

(xi) One and only one ray can be drawn with a given end point. = F

(xii) One and only one line can be drawn to pass through two given points. = T

(xiii) An unlimited number of lines can be drawn to pass through a given point. = T

(10) Fill in the blanks:

(i) A line segment has a definite length.

(ii) A ray has one end point.

(iii) A line has no end point.

(iv) A ray has no definite length.

(v) A line cannot be drawn on a paper.

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